Real odd release things in so many ways. Band signed to Red Ant in hopes of reviving a sagging career by partnering with a younger/hipper/connected label. Unfortunately the timing couldn't be worse.....Red Ant went bankrupt just 3 weeks after this was released. Yet somehow I was sent a promo way up here in the frozen north (from our U.S. exporter Alliance). I remember being so down about the music business in general that time in my life....."nothing new" "everything sucks", etc etc. Not the best time to be testing out a new CT album.....
Surely enough, when I spun it I was not impressed. On first listen I remember digging "You Let A Lot Of People Down" and not much more. I might have played it once after that, then I promptly handed it off to my best pal Alex.
About a 1000 years later (well about 13 to be exact....)......Alex asks me if I can find this one on the Net for him. Somewhere along the way, he'd lost/given away/misplaced his CD. I download it for him, and send him tracks. A day or two later, Alex (w/impecable taste as always!) says he loves the album, etc etc. So I listen to trax again, and I'll be damn......THIS SUCKA ROX!!!!
Can't believe I passed on this one the first time around.
Anyhow, enough of my blabbin'......if you're here, ya came for this......
Rock Steady!
MP3's @ 192K