Various - "Some Gravy For Ya - Vol 1" (live on CBC Radio Q show)
This is the premier issue of this series (ha ha ha) and features 3 tracks each from Adele, Skydiggers, Joel Plaskett, The Arkells, and Serena Ryder. These performances are all done live on the fabulous CBC Radio Q show (so I may hear from them....although I doubt it). If you're not familiar with this show - do yourself a favour and check it out sometime! They talk to guests from all over the world in all arts (film, books, music, theatre, etc) during the week. On Friday they usually have an artist play live in the studio, in a primarily acoustic format. Personally I dig some of the versions here a lot more than the studio versions. I started collecting the podcasts last year, and snag it whenever I hear someone of interest. Look for Vol. II someday soon (if I don't hear from Big Brother at CBC before then!?)........
P.S. If you don't know the "gravy" reference, Google "Billy Bob Thornton" on CBC radio......what a jackass!
These are MP3's at 192K