Radney Foster and Bill Lloyd's first release from back in 1987. Seems like a long time ago. Not sure what happened to Bill Lloyd, but Radney Foster was still kicking around in 2002. I got his "Another Way To Go" CD, and it's got some great stuff on there as well. As for his current activities, I'm not really in the loop on them.....
But this Foster Lloyd album is a real solid effort! I still pull this out on a regular basis and really enjoy it. As far as I'm concerned, there is not a bad cut on the album. I remember a 90's trip with my good friend Alex down to see our bro Mike in Windsor. We played it in the car for Alex, and even he was impressed (and that's not an easy thing to do!). So we ended up playing that one almost non stop when rolling around town. Great memories.........
Back in '87, I was really into the "new music" as well as my classic rawk but I was interested a bit in country. A co-worker told me to try this one on for size. I really dug it, and bought my own CD. It is "country" in vibe I suppose, but it's really about great (pop) songs, deep (sing along) grooves, as well as heartfelt perfomances. What more could you want??
As a rule, I don't post legit releases. But after some research it looks like this one is no longer available. Damn shame/no surprise really in this day and age. I was going to post that Radney Foster CD too, but it's still available to buy.
Check it out!
MP3's at 192K
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